Friday, 11 March 2011

What a day. Spent all day in the shop, when all I wanted to do, was stick my workboots on, scrape my hair back and get hot and sweaty in the glasshouse.... Monday now. Keep getting fussed over because of my burns I acquired last week... if I have to utter the words, "It's only superficial, no biggie..." again, I'll scream!! Burns are part and parcel of my job. :) Hubby hates them, he thinks my hands are turning into bloke's hands. I don't care. I'm too busy being happy. I dragged him up onto the glassmaking stage one Sunday night infront of one of the furnaces, I wanted him to experience the heat I endure, he got about 3 metres away and couldn't get any closer. I said, "Hands like a bloke?" Now you know why. :)

Jewellerywise, I was so blinking bored, I managed to invent a pretty nifty tool which should cut my making stencils for sandblasting time by loads!! Things are plodding on quite nicely. Been given a project by a colleague, a pendant for his girlfriend, so I really want to make it lovely for him. Still ploughing through all the papers and comittees, arts councils, tradefairs etc... when I get a few minutes spare, which is not a lot these days. I think the help I was offered has changed it's mind unfortunately, but that's no big deal. I've worked too hard to let anyone mess this up for me now, but learned a valuable lesson, work and friendships don't mix. Especially when you are as stubborn as each other. I think it's easy for mates to take advantage, although I'm not accusing, just that I'm soft where they are concerned. It's added a little pressure, but I am used to that anyway. In fact, I work better under pressure. It's sad, but that's life. I've got this far on my own, I can't be carrying any dead weight. Especially when you are so desperately wanting someone to share the same enthusiasm as you, so I feel unfair in that my expectations weren't met. I know I can make a success out of this. I keep setting small goals, and it is a lovely feeling when you reach them. There is a craft shop I am determined to get into at the moment, I will persevere and eventually, who knows....
But for now, I am going back to printing off a little album of my work, a fabulous idea of my dad's who is a local artis too, and showed me one he'd put together today of some of his paintings. Perfect for taking around prospective outlets. Nice one Dad!! :)

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